high speed gearbox repairs rebuild services


Failure of an industrial gearbox can quickly disrupt production lines. Although purchasing a replacement may seem easier, repairs often prove much more cost effective and extend its life; plus they allow a return to regular operation with no disruptions or downtime.

Industrial gearboxes are used in numerous industries to transmit power, such as building materials, metal smelting, mining, aerospace, railway transit, engineering machinery, cement manufacturing and solid waste processing. Common types include bevel, helical and worm gear drives found on pumps, compressors fans extruders conveyors - therefore couplings are also an integral component found within these gearboxes; therefore AIRS provides coupling repair services.

Established in 1993, this Missouri-based manufacturer produces bevel, right angle and worm gear drives as well as custom gears tailored to specific applications. They specialize in creating gear solutions designed to reduce RPM or increase torque, providing reliable long-term solutions that fit seamlessly with their customers' requirements. Utilizing various technologies ensures their products stand the test of time.

They specialize in electrical installations and repairs, foundation construction/repair, pump repairs/service, tank cleaning/demolition/testing services as well as land clearing, hydro excavation/inspection trenching water treatment pipe fabrication welding repair for oil/gas industry services as well as providing specialty mechanical, surveying/plumbing work to oil & gas sector clients.

An industrial gearbox that has been properly maintained should have a long service life. Regular inspection and maintenance can help avoid premature failure and costly repairs, while overheating is one of the greatest threats facing such units, significantly shortening its lifespan. One way to combat overheating is spraying regular amounts of water onto it to keep its temperature within acceptable levels.

Industrial gearboxes are specifically engineered to withstand heavy loads at high speeds. Constructed from various materials and with various output shaft options, industrial gearboxes come in an assortment of sizes designed to meet industry specific requirements. Common uses for them include CNC machines, woodworking, metalworking and robotic applications - they're even useful for controlling robotics! Crated or skidded deliveries make industrial gearboxes an easy choice when selecting quality gearboxes - an invaluable asset in today's environment!


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